Welcome to our
web site!
Welcome to Lehigh Chapter of the Pennsylvania Association
of School Retirees. Our membership enrollment is 900 school retirees who have worked in the Lehigh County
public schools or are Lehigh County residents who have worked in other school districts. The public schools
of Lehigh Valley are: Allentown,
East Penn, Parkland, Northwestern, Catasauqua, Northern Lehigh, Southern Lehigh, Salisbury, and Whitehall /Coplay.
We are former teachers, administrators, counselors, nurses, aides, secretaries, bus drivers, cafeteria
workers, maintenance staff - in short, anyone who is now receiving a pension from the Pennsylvania School Employees Retirement System. |
We invite you to visit us or attend an
event. Our members are more than happy to answer any questions you may have
about the organization and how you can join. |
President's Message
Join us for our first 2007 general business/luncheon
meeting on Monday March 19. Dr. Michael Greene, current Lehigh Chapter Resolutions Co-chair, Region 2 Public Relations
Chair, and Region 2 Director-Elect, will review the Resolutions adopted by the 2006 Convention House of Delegates. He
will briefly enlighten us further on how and why the membership gathers suggestions for resolutions. The Emmaus High School
Chorale will entertain us after the noon luncheon.
Come prepared to cheer for your home Lehigh Chapter school district
as we honor each one individually. Show your strength in numbers and solidarity of purpose as the leadership team salutes
you. As always, your presence and support make a difference.